National experimental programme for sustainable home-to-school and home-to-work mobility

Co-financing institution

Italian Ministry for the Environment

Public partners

U-Space is co-financing partner and consultant for several projects funded by the Italian Ministry of the Environment within an experimental programme of home-to-school and home-to-work mobility.

These projects involve municipalities, public and private firms, schools of all levels, and universities, in a set of initiatives and services promoting a new model of sustainable mobility in daily displacements, to the benefit of air quality and urban quality.

Municipality of Rieti

Lead partner: Municipality of Rieti


Public partners: Municipalities of Casperia, Subiaco, Vasanello; Province of Rieti; Region of Lazio; ISTC-CNR

Private partners: U-Space, CRAS, PTV SISTeMA, BicinCittà, Euromobility, Movesion

This project promotes sustainable mobility in home-to-school displacements. It builds on a similar experience made by the Region of Lazio and targets both primary and secondary school children, with the objective of contrasting an excessive use of the car.

U-Space is co-financing partner and responsible for the following actions: communication and graphic design activities, promotion of school mobility management and motivation towards the use of the proposed services; implementation of “walk-to-school” and “bike-to-school” services; design of safe routes, 30 km/h zones and bicycle lanes.

Municipality of Jesi

Lead partner: Municipality of Jesi


Public partners: Municipalities of Agugliano, Chiaravalle, Falconara Marittima, Maiolati Spontini, Monsano, Polverigi

Private partners: Movesion, PTV SISTeMA, U-Space,

This project promotes sustainable mobility in home-to-school displacements through the creation, maintenance and securing of bike and pedestrian routes; establishment of a car pooling service; training of school mobility managers; and enhancement of the “walking school bus” service, supported by digital technologies.

U-Space is co-financing partner and responsible for monitoring the environmental effects and effectiveness of the actions. U-Space also supports the training of mobility managers and the launching of “walking school bus” services in schools, and is responsible for the supply and customisation of the “Appedibus” app for mobile devices.

Mosaico Siena

Customer: Terre di Siena LAB


Mosaico Siena is a programme of actions aimed at managing and optimisng the traffic flows generated by home-to-school and home-to-work displacements within an area comprising the municipalities of Siena, Monteriggioni, Colle Val d’Elsa, Poggibonsi, San Gimignano and Sovicille.

U-Space has been assigned the role of designing an integrated bike-sharing system and providing a “walking school bus” service in primary schools. The walking school bus service includes the supply and customisation of the “Appedibus” app for mobile devices.


Customer: PTV SISTeMA


Moovida is a project by the Municipality of Latina, promoting a new sustainable urban mobility model through training, mobility management, innovative services and awards to students and workers who go to school or to their workplaces using alternative modes: walking, bicycle, public transport, car pooling, intermodality.

U-Space provides assistance to project management and is responsible for communication, awareness-raising and training activities, promotion of sustainable mobility in schools, design of 30 km/h roads, and drafting of home-to-school and home-to-work displacement plans.

Municipality of Reggio Calabria

Customer: PTV SISTeMA


This project is about the launching of sustainable mobility initiatives and services around schools and the main attractors of the urban centre of Reggio Calabria, promoting a green and sustainable vision of the city.

U-Space has been assigned the following services: support to project management; supply of the “Appdibus” app for mobile devices; support to design of home-to-school routes; drafting of home-to-school and home-to-work displacement plans; support to the area mobility manager.

Municipality of Lecce

Customer: PTVSISTeMA


This project is promoted by the Municipality of Lecce and includes the municipalities of Cavallino, Lequile, Lizzanello, Monteroni, San Cesario, San Pietro in Lama, and Surbo.

The activities include “walking school bus” and bike-sharing services, educational programmes, incentives to walking and biking mobility, monitoring and estimate of environmental benefits.

U-Space provides assistance to project management, supports the design of home-to-school routes, and supplies the “Appedibus” app for mobile devices.