Andalusian forum of local governments and participatory processes



Foro Andaluz

The consortium U-Space/Enreda was the successful bidder for the development of a “Local Strategy of Open Government and Participatory Processes of Local Authorities” in the Region of Andalusia, and the drafting of a Roadmap for its local implementation.

Objectives of the project were:

  • to disseminate the draft regional “Law on Citizen Participation” as a regulatory norm in this sector;
  • to facilitate citizen participation in local decision making in order to foster motivation towards a future, effective enforcement of the law;
  • to foster coordinated and cooperative actions between public authorities and local actors in order to achieve opportunities for citizens to express their opinions and participate equally in public decision making.

In order to carry out this task, an analysis of the existing participative models was carried out, and 64 working sessions were organised with local authorities and actors in the 8 Andalusian provinces.

In addition, a SWOT analysis of the situation regarding citizen participation models in Andalusian city councils was carried out, and local governments were advised on the implementation of actions linked to participatory processes.

Finally, the consortium was in charge of organising the “I Andalusian Meeting of Open Government, Innovation and Citizen Participation”, an occasion for consideration and debate bringing together more than 100 participants.